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Company Details

Legal type: Foreign Corporation
Status: Active
Standing: Good
Profit or Non-Profit: Profit
File Date: 01 Nov 2012 (12 years ago)
Authority Date: 01 Nov 2012 (12 years ago)
Last Annual Report: 14 Jun 2024 (9 months ago)
Branch of: THE BUREAUS, INC., ILLINOIS (Company Number LLC_00839019)
Organization Number: 0841839
Industry: Miscellaneous Services
Number of Employees: Small (0-19)
Principal Office: 650 DUNDEE RD., SUITE 370, NORTHBROOK, IL 60062
Place of Formation: ILLINOIS

Registered Agent

Name Role


Name Role
Michael Slotky Officer


Name Role
Aristotle Sangalang President


Name Role
Fern Slotky Director
Michael Slotky Director


Name File Date
Annual Report 2024-06-14
Annual Report 2023-04-25
Annual Report 2022-05-25
Registered Agent name/address change 2022-02-17
Annual Report 2021-05-27
Annual Report 2020-05-13
Annual Report 2019-05-17
Annual Report 2018-06-21
Annual Report 2017-06-14
Annual Report 2016-06-15

CFPB Complaint

Complaint Id Date Received Issue Product
11559405 2025-01-17 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Tags Older American
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2025-01-17
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2025-01-22
4447526 2021-06-10 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Tags Servicemember
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was paid
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2021-06-10
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2021-06-10
Complaint What Happened The bureaus Inc has a debt on my credit report that says I owe them {$760.00} which was a debt I incurred to XXXX XXXX XXXX which I paid XXXX XXXX XXXX for over 10 years ago. I can not contact the collections agency because they don't have a working phone number. Saying as the debt is over 7 years old and paid I want it removed completely from my credit report.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3830491 2020-09-04 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2020-09-04
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-09-04
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
1817887 2016-03-04 Disclosure verification of debt Debt collection
Issue Disclosure verification of debt
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Not given enough info to verify debt
Sub Product Credit card
Date Received 2016-03-04
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed Yes
Date Sent To Company 2016-03-04
Complaint What Happened I received some information but not an actual signed agreement from this agency and I do not agree with the information sent in. Please help assist me.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
710316 2014-02-05 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was discharged in bankruptcy
Sub Product Credit card
Date Received 2014-02-05
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed Yes
Date Sent To Company 2014-02-04
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
3844510 2020-09-13 Incorrect information on your report Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Incorrect information on your report
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Information belongs to someone else
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2020-09-13
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-09-21
Complaint What Happened On XXXX XXXX, The Bureaus, added a derogatory mark on my credit report via XXXX XXXX. Upon, further research, this account was transferred/sold and I am no longer responsible for the account. Debtors creditor did not verify this collection. Also, there was NO written form of communication, contract or signature for this accused debt at all. A bill without a signature does not validate a debt and anyone could send a bill and say its mine. According to the FCRA, The Bureaus, have violated my rights as a consumer and I am requesting legal action to remove this account immediately.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
6822578 2023-04-11 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Used obscene, profane, or other abusive language
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2023-04-11
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2023-05-15
Complaint What Happened There wasn't a great options for this situation. The Bureaus had used XXXX XXXX XXXX to attempt to collect this debt. It shows the account date was XX/XX/XXXX however the last payment was XX/XX/XXXX. My attorney XXXX XXXX XXXX responded to the initial letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX and the debt was not able to be verified. It is still currently on my credit report and being reported every month as an open account that is owed by the Bureaus. The letter was dated XX/XX/XXXX. The attorney responded XX/XX/XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3413890 2019-10-22 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The Bureaus, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2019-10-22
Submitted Via Fax
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-10-22
Consumer Consent Provided N/A

Sources: Kentucky Secretary of State