Confusing or missing disclosures
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Confusing or missing disclosures
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Coinbase.com XXXX XXXX Sent - {$1300.00} TO : XXXX Price {$3900.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX fee ~ {$2.00} Transaction XXXX XXXX ... XXXX Date XXXX XXXX XX/XX/year> XXXX : XXXX I sent XXXX XXXX a XXXX to address XXXX it was never received. So i contacted Coinbase and found they used deceptive misleading transfer practices. The token was cbeth and was supposed to be XXXX. Those two letters added caused the funds to go to a wallet still tied to Coinbase called Coinbase XXXX. They refused to be transparent of who the owner of the wallet is. They have to know where it went because i only gave them a address i have full control over. Wherever they sent it to i have no information on it other then whats listed on XXXX and it clearly says coinbase10.After further research that means coinbase still has the funds and lying about it. I tried to contact XXXX.io also and they also refused to help me get the funds back. One of these company 's just stole that money using very confusing banking methods. The funds came from me as a trucker and sales job. If i need to take this to small claims court i will. I'm hoping cfpb can save me the trouble of going to court. Although if i make a claim for damages i would think i would be awarded more than i lost for time a trouble this has put me through.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Getting the loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Tags |
Older American, Servicemember
Issue |
Getting the loan
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Sub Product |
Installment loan
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
My Coinbase account was hacked for XXXX BTC = over {$130000.00} in USD value on XX/XX/21 at XXXX XXXX.
They have no humans available to help. Their customer service is nonresponsive and there is no way to call and review fraudulent transactions. All of their emails are automated and never get you anywhere.
The days following the fraudulent transactions, the Coinbase server appeared to be down and frozen. There was a message that said We're having connection issues. We're looking into it right now. Please quit the app and try again. Your funds are safe. My Coinbase Pro account was locked and I was unable to access either of my accounts since I reported several help tickets telling them about the unauthorized fraudulent transactions.
The entire time I thought that the lump sum of my XXXX were stored away safe in a separate " Coinbase Pro '' account. I had only received emails from the regular Coinbase account about the purchase of {$1000.00} worth of XXXX with my bank account attached which being held as a " security precaution '' for XXXX hours. I didn't receive any communications in regards to this much larger amount ( XXXX XXXX = over $ XXXX USD ) being moved or taken out of my otherwise inactive and dormant account.
After going back and forth with the Coinbase automated emails to verify my identity I was back in my accounts where I then discovered that my Coinbase Pro account had a {$0.00} balance, which should have well over $ XXXX with XXXX Bitcoin.
I reported this and was locked out of my account once again. Every time I try to report what happens they just lock my account. I've had the help tickets closed on me randomly forcing me to restart the process. They have been no help. Ive had to take selfies holding up the date and holding up my ID to upload on their app. Ive had to verify from both the app and get on a laptop to use the web browser to take a live webcam selfie of also a face match with both sides of my ID, which were then rejected for being too blurry after I attempted to retake the image six times to make sure it was as good as I could get it. Ive also had to take a picture of my ID front and back to upload to a third section for verification.
They are making me complete all of these steps to verify my identity and even to start a new account. Yet the criminals that accessed my account one night managed to log in from a new unrecognized device and within 5 minutes managed to transfer out all of my assets without a single security precaution or verification step taken. Any other exchange requires a 48 hour hold period after a new device is connected as a security precaution. Coinbase does not care about the security of their customers. I've heard in the XXXX that Coinbase is responsible for losses up to {$250000.00} so it sounds like the XXXX needs to demand these same requirements from them.
It doesn't make sense that a hacker can just log into my account from a new device one day and be able to just withdrawal over $ 130,000+ worth a Bitcoin with no questions asked without even an email verification, notification or warning from anyone or anything? Just my entire life savings vanishing instantly, no hoops, no protocols, no selfies, no ID scans, no webcam face matches, no nothing needed. This seems absolutely ridiculous to me.
I had to discover on my own from my transaction history that this hacker transferred my money out of my COINBASE PRO account into my COINBASE account and then proceeded to withdraw my funds instantly in the amount of ( XXXX XXXX = $ XXXX USD ) at XXXX PM XXXX on XX/XX/21 as listed above.
I did not receive a single email or notification from Coinbase mentioning anything about this entire transaction involving this VERY LARGE AMOUNT being taken from my account. I had no idea that anything other than the attempted purchase and transfer of {$1000.00} worth of XXXX had taken place on my account. I received several emails only pertaining to the {$1000.00} amount and none in reference to the over $ XXXX worth of XXXX XXXX
So Coinbase decided to hold {$1000.00} for XXXX hours as a security precaution, yet let OVER $ XXXX get transferred out INSTANTLY without a single alert or notification to verify that this was in fact me. I didn't even receive a notification alerting me that my account was logged into from a new device in order to stop this in action or any means to dispute this particularly large fraudulent transaction.
I submitted a complaint to the FBI cyber crimes unit. I feel that Coinbase is responsible for the loss of these funds, but they have not had anyone reach out to me. They just keep freezing my account, having me unfreeze it, and closing my tickets without any help looking into what actually happened.
I reported everything that same night telling them that I did not authorize ANY transactions when I received the notifications about the {$1000.00} purchase and transfer. I even received emails saying my " Account Recovery was Successful '' yet my entire XXXX balance of over $ XXXX in USD value today is completely gone.
I saw over XXXX cases similar to mine where customers money was stolen on Coinbase. I demanded that they reimburse me, yet they are acting as if cyber security hackers are not their responsibility. Even though they are a multibillion dollar corporation in the cryptocurrency space that just went public.
I have no clue what else to do. They have all of the technology in order to resolve this issue as all transfers on the XXXX are publicly visible and able to be tracked. You can see for yourself on the link below, the XXXX address that stole my XXXX has had numerous transactions valued at almost {$500000.00} all of which was most likely stolen from other people just like me through Coinbase.
This link is the publicly available XXXX address were stolen funds were transferred to : https : XXXX I had the flow of funds looked by a XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX through the address above. They stated that the largest portion of the funds go to XXXX designed for 'anonymizing ' or laundering XXXX. Coinbase has the technology and capabilities to trace 'through ' this. There are funds that flow to a variety of different entities as well, including a gambling service, as well as some other services & exchanges -- there are actually some funds that then go BACK INTO COINBASE via an intermediary address, which they found very interesting. Coinbase could seize these funds since they were stolen from one of their customers, but apparently they are choosing to do nothing.
There are plenty of leads worth Coinbase pursuing and these types of leads could help law enforcement better identify, and ultimately pursue the hacker. When dormant funds are found, Coinbase could make a move on intercepting funds. They are capable of doing this and choose not to and would rather millions continue to be stolen from their customers with no solutions and nowhere to turn for help.
I was under the impression that my account was safe and secure using a large well known corporation like Coinbase, but obviously I was wrong. They need to step up their customer service and provide sufficient staff to handle the large influx of complaints and fraudulent transactions. They are processing billions to trillions of dollars in transactions daily and are cutting corners on customer service just to profit as much money as possible. This is a very clear example of corporate greed.
There are millions of dollars are being stolen through their exchange with little to no help since it's cryptocurrency. XXXX is here to stay and just as valuable as any other asset here in XXXX and needs to be protected equally. We have to pay taxes when we withdraw these funds just like stocks, so why are we not protected when something bad happens? How are criminals getting away with stealing millions of dollars with no penalties?
Something needs to be done. Coinbase uses false advertisement claiming to be the safest cryptocurrency exchange, yet come to discover they are the most hacked and most vulnerable exchange. They are enabling criminals to hack them by making it so easy for them. They are advertising to new customers constantly that are new to cryptocurrencies and trying to make them feel like they are safe with Coinbase, but when something actually happens they are not there for you. You have nobody to speak with and they have a robot tell you over and over that there is nothing that they can do and that the security of your account is not their responsibility. How is this legal in XXXX yet other countries are not allowing this?
Coinbase needs to be held accountable for these losses since they do not have proper security measures in place to protect hackers from stealing funds. They need to revamp their systems and protocols to protect hard working customers using their services. I just lost enough money to pay off my house if I had only cashed out sooner. Now nothing is being done as over $ 130,000+ just walked out of my life forever! All because Coinbase doesn't feel my case is important enough to resolve?! Please help me and the thousands of other Americans going through this same scenario right now with zero help or support from Coinbase or similar app based XXXX exchange sites.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Overdraft, savings, or rewards features
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Overdraft, savings, or rewards features
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Mobile or digital wallet
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I'm wondering if this is a legal practice. The company Coinbase has a debit card that they say they issue rewards for your purchases. This is not entirely true. I have multiple purchases from weeks ago that I have not been issued the rewards. I've contacted Coinbase several times and never get anything other than the standard auto response saying it takes up to 5 days and if it takes longer to contact them, but when you do they send you the same response. Recently they've stopped sending the auto response to me which I'm not happy about. It's obvious they could care less about scamming their customers. Can a company say they will give you rewards for using their product but they don't have to? It's very frustrating. I've reached out on twitter as well since they obviously have zero concern from their so called customer service department ; no response. I have no doubt I'm not the only person experiencing these issues but there's no place im aware of to be able to speak on or address the subject. If they would at the least say they're aware of the issue I'd have some kind of peace of mind but they think ignoring their customers and giving them no guidance or feedback with their auto response system is ethically okay. I have no clue who to turn to. Please help if you can. Thank you for your time and concern.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
In an attempt to withdraw funds from Coinbase Pro due to the absolutely pathetic Coinbase customer service ( I filed an additional CFPB complaint due to the company erroneously stealing my money by placing a trade that I did not authorize ), I sold my cypto assets ( XXXX, XXXX, XXXX ) and converted them to USDs prior to transferring the USDs to my regular Coinbase account.
Due to my prior issues with Coinbase, I had to reset my account email address to an old email account ( XXXX ) rather than my active, preferred email address ( XXXX ). When attempting to log onto Coinbase, I was asked for two-form authentication. I have never performed such authentication with past deposits or withdrawals from Coinbase.
To make matters worse, the old email address I now am forced to use on the account is no longer active. I filed an inquiry/complaint online, as this awful company requires, and I have yet to hear back over the past week.
Once again, Coinbase 's blatant disregard for customer service has kept me from MY money. It's truly criminal that there is no expeditious mechanism for getting access to my own wealth. I truly hope the CFPB cracks down on this pathetic company, and I vow to never use this platform ever again once I have obtained my funds.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with monetary relief
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
On XX/XX/XXXX, I placed two trades of {$250.00} for two cryptocurrencies using Coinbase ( the app ) : {$250.00} of XXXX and {$250.00} of XXXX. There were issues with my purchase of one of the currencies, XXXX, as the app said the order failed multiple times. On my third try, the purchase was processed.
The morning of XX/XX/XXXX, I noticed an extra, 3rd {$250.00} trade in XXXX was processed over night on XX/XX/XXXX. To be clear, I did not place this trade.
I reached out to Coinbase via their online ticket system on XX/XX/XXXX, as they have no live phone support. As of XX/XX/XXXX, I still have not heard back from Coinbase support. I attempted to call and speak with a representative using the only way they say you can contact them - to freeze your account.
My plan was to talk with a representative about the situation without my account being frozen. Unfortunately, support from Coinbase was still not a human being, my account is now frozen, and I still have no answer as to why an extra {$250.00} trade was placed in my ( now frozen ) account.
I feel very frustrated by this entire situation. Coinbase made an erroneous trade, has not responded in over 1.5 months to my ticket, and now my account is frozen because I was hoping to finally talk to a person at Coinbase about this issue.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
On XX/XX/XXXX I sent a {$70000.00} wire to Coinbase including only the exact information they required ( without any extraneous info ) to credit my account on Coinbase.
As of XX/XX/XXXX ( today ), SIXTEEN days later, my wire transfer to Coinbase is STILL not there. Although Coinbase claimed next day availability ( on their website ) for wire transfers as of XX/XX/XXXX.
I filed an online complaint through XX/XX/XXXX/Coinbase after about a week, as well as ~ 2 weeks later .... and then called and even had that escalated to an upper tier, and the response I received was to stop calling because it delays the process ( see attached documentation.
How much longer could this possibly take, the one day turnaround has been more than 2 weeks? I have missed out on huge possibilities because of their promises.
I needed the money I sent to Coinbase so I could buy Bitcoin instantly at {$12000.00} and now it has reached over {$16000.00} ( who knows where I will even be able to buy it back in at this point ) ....
I believe Coinbase has done this deliberately something fishy is going on here.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Managing, opening, or closing your mobile wallet account
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Managing, opening, or closing your mobile wallet account
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Mobile or digital wallet
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
For a month now I have been trying to withdraw my money from my account and it will not let me. It gives the error Im trying to close to many accounts. I only have one account. You have XXXX of my money that I need to pay my mortgage and other bills. I have emailed you over 30 times, called ( your customer service is not helpful at all ) put on XXXX and XXXX. I need results I need my money out back in my XXXX XXXX account. My email is XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
On XXXX XXXX I wire transferred a total of {$7200.00} to XXXX XXXX XXXX for the purpose of crypto currency investments. The website stated Please note that the name on your bank account must match the legal name on your XXXX account for the wire to be accepted. I did not know this initially and I deposited the money using 2 different bank accounts that belonged to my husband and sister in law as we are all interested in investing. The wire transfer is suppose to appear in my account within 1-2 days and after I did research on why it hadnt arrived, I came to the conclusion it must be because of the different names on my Coinbase account and husbands/sister in laws bank accounts. However the wire transfers showed completed on both bank accounts with no funds in my XXXX account. I am worried the money is just lost now and Im out {$7200.00}. I debited {$250.00} from my husbands checking account and wire transferred {$5000.00} as well. Then using my sister in laws account, I wire transferred {$2000.00}. I have tried contacting XXXX directly through their customer support number and no one answered after waiting in line for about 3 hours. I have also emailed them with no response. How should I proceed about this? What is the next step I should take?
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
My coinbase acct was compromised and they stole my life saving money of {$56000.00}. Based on the XXXX XXXX, coinbase are known for stealing peoples money. They have a long history about fraud and have cases with SEC. Someone got a hold of my acct and did several transfer from my bank to this coinbase. The first one was on XX/XX/XXXX for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$10000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX again for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$30000.00} and XX/XX/XXXX for {$1500.00}. I have talked to several coinbase agents and they assured me that i am qualified for a one time credit but they kept me hangin for nothing and then decided that they cant help anymore. I have all the proofs and screenshots of our communications tru email and i got tired waiting for them. I reopen the case and they said that its still under investigation and i am not waiting anymore for nothing. Sooo many Americans lost or loosing a lot of money from this coinbase company and they should be penalized for what their doing wrong to us. Its our hard earned money that they stole here. And i really need help pls. My counbase case number is XXXX.
Thanks, XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
This is my original claim against Coinbase ; My coinbase acct was compromised and they stole my life saving money of {$56000.00}. Based on the XXXX XXXX, coinbase are known for stealing peoples money. They have a long history about fraud and have cases with SEC. Someone got a hold of my acct and did several transfer from my bank to this coinbase. The first one was on XX/XX/XXXX for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$10000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX again for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$5000.00}, XX/XX/XXXX for {$30000.00} and XX/XX/XXXX for {$1500.00}. I have talked to several coinbase agents and they assured me that i am qualified for a one time credit but they kept me hangin for nothing and then decided that they cant help anymore. I have all the proofs and screenshots of our communications tru email and i got tired waiting for them. I reopen the case and they said that its still under investigation and i am not waiting anymore for nothing. Sooo many Americans lost or loosing a lot of money from this coinbase company and they should be penalized for what their doing wrong to us. Its our hard earned money that they stole here. And i really need help pls. My coinbase case number is XXXX. Thanks, XXXX The reason why im filing another case against coinbase is, when I checked my acct, seems there is magically thing happened. It says that I deposit some cash on XX/XX/XXXX and the money is ready to be widraw on the said date at XXXX. Like I said that this is an inside job. Coinbase can magically put some money and can magically removed some money on peoples acct.
PS. I didnt deposit any cash on XX/XX/XXXX. Coinbase prevented me from doing anything in my acct and now im seeing that theres money and it will be ready to be widraw after XXXX? Coinbase can do some magic and I strongly believe that they are the ones who took my {$56000.00}. And I want it back, this is my life saving money and I need it. Pls CFPB, pls do all your research about this company Coinbase and when you get a chance, pls go to XXXX and you will see many Americans lost or loosing money from this company.
Ps. I attached my proof here and contacted their CEO XXXX XXXX to do something with my case.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Tags |
Issue |
Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Mobile or digital wallet
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I invested in concurrency XX/XX/2017. I used Coinbase as it is the lead US wallet for crypto. I made a decent amount of money, so i decided to hold and just use my wallet as a investment in case the price was to rise. well I had not touched my Coinbase accounts for almost half a year. When one day, I checked my bank account and saw that coinbase had charged me 4 separate transactions that totaled to $ XXXX. Once I saw this I logged into my Coinbase account on XX/XX/XXXX and saw that my currencies had been emptied and sent somewhere else and someone was able to use my card to buy $ XXXX in bitcoin and sent it also to a address. I have contacted coinbase and they act that they do not care. I get different answers every time I call and quite frankly it is something I consider quite serious. I lost about ~ $ 6K and they just say I have to wait for my support ticket to get looked at. I am not too sure if it was a hack or not. I have reason to believe my account was not actually hacked. I received ZERO emails for any transaction that happened. I received ZERO 2fa for any login attempts. This is why i have reason to think it may be fraud. It really is a joke when a company treats money with support tickets. It just seems like someone had administrative access to my account and misused it.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
on XX/XX/XXXX I was rejected for an institutional account with Coinbase, which placed a lock on my personal account. I have not been able to withdrawal money from my account since then and have contacted support 6 times now with no resolution in sight.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Managing an account
Checking or savings account
Issue |
Managing an account
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Checking or savings account
Sub Issue |
Problem accessing account
Sub Product |
Checking account
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Postal mail
Company Response |
Closed with monetary relief
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I made a wire transfer to coinbase.com. I was going to purchase some cryptocurrency. The day after it was purchased and placed in my bitcoin account. There was an unauthorized transaction and the cryptocurrency was sent somewhere without my permission. It was {$10000.00}. I dont know where that money went, and I did not authorize it. I believe my account was hacked and someone transferred my funds possibly into a crypto wallet. I would like that bank transfer to be reimbursed. This was done on XX/XX/XXXX. The transaction was a XXXX bank transfer from my personal account.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
My complaint is about coinbase. They state funds should be available between 48 hours of your tranfer from your vault to your account. My withdraw was initiated on XX/XX/XXXX for XXXX Bitcoin. At the time Bitcoins value was about 40 % higher than it is right now. I also did the same with my XXXX and XXXX vaults.
I have emailed, called countless times etc. I am debating a law suit. The only answer they give me is that my complaint was escalated. No answers, no updates, nothing but a scripted response.
This is a Billion dollar company. They either don't care or it is a fraud.
My next complaint is to the FBI.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Hello, The bitcoin wallet site coinbase.com just locked my account on XX/XX/XXXX without any reason and seized my funds, now I can not access to my account nor to my funds. They locked my account without any reason. Please help me get my funds back. A lot of people are complaining about coinbase fraud and I 'm one of those victims, I sent various emails to coinbase support but they do not respond at all. They 're making people fool and locking their accounts. I have almost {$1000.00} USD locked in my account, Please help me get my funds back.
Thank you.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with monetary relief
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I started to use coinbase, made 2 transactions and possible a third, I made a request to double check to see whether I was charged in error and if my funds are there. They locked my account pending investigation. Now close to 2 months I call and they send me to use the email. I sent email they say my case is in work. No human contact what so ever. This is above and beyond. I sent numerous email and they all say the same thing.
I want my account unlocked or return my {$88.00} dollares. This is way to long.
Here is what they always say, and I can not reach anyone. WORST COMPANY EVER!
Hi there, Thank you for your patience.
This issue is being addressed by case XXXX. Please use that case number to communicate with us and track current developments involving your issue.
If you are waiting on a response from the account specialist, please reply to the case number mentioned above in writing. This is to ensure the account specialist working your case is notified.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I have a Coinbase account, with a Coinbase " wallet '' and a " XXXX '' in which I store bitcoin.
The XXXX functions as an additional safety measure, and requires verification from 2 different email addresses prior to authorizing the transfer/withdraw.
Over the past week, I have been trying repeatedly to transfer the full balance of my XXXX to my Wallet. The link to my primary email ( XXXX ) works fine. However, the link to my secondary email ( an XXXX account, XXXX ) does not work. Anytime I click the link it tells me that " this action has already been performed '' even though it has not. As a result of this, my money is essentially trapped in the XXXX. Searching the internet, it seems that many other people have had this issue using XXXX/XXXX accounts, and is a result of the additional security measures these email serves utilize. When I created the account, there was no warning to avoid using these accounts.
Over the past 2 weeks, I have submitted 5 complaints to Coinbase. All were given an automated response which did not resolve the issue. I finally got an authentic response, and was asked if I wanted Coinbase to manually transfer the money back into my Wallet, and then delete the XXXX. I responded that yes, I wanted this to happen. Even though I responded promptly ( and have the email to prove it ) days later I got an email from them saying that I needed to respond within 48 hours or my complaint would be closed. I replied within 2 hours of receiving this email, nevertheless, I received an immediate response from them saying that my ticket had been closed, and that I needed to file another complaint.
So essentially, my money has been trapped for 2 weeks, with very disappointing effort from Coinbase to help remedy the issue -- despite multiple attempts on my part. Any assistance you could provide in helping fix this issue would be much appreciated.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Tags |
Older American
Issue |
Other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I was defrauded by unknown persons operating through the unlicensed financial brokerage platform XXXX XXXX XXXX, which solicited me to invest a substantial amount of money. All payments were made in the way of crypto-transactions to wallets nominated as beneficiary wallets by the representatives of the unlicensed financial brokers. Some transfers were made through my wallet hosted by www.coinbase.com. I consider the beneficiary wallets to be an integral part of the fraudulent scheme behind XXXX XXXX XXXX. Based upon the understanding that www.coinbase.com is acting compliant and will provide due care towards its wallet holders, my legal representatives from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX sent a relevant request for the provision of information to Coinbase. Unfortunately, Coinbase provided a formal response to our justified request, failing to provide the requested information about the ISSUE Other service problem HAVE YOU ALREADY TRIED TO FIXTHIS PROBLEM WITH THE COMPANY?
Information they should have collectedaccording to the travel rule requirement ( information about the entity hosting thebeneficiary wallet ( s ) and/or informationabout the beneficiary wallet ( s ) holder ( s ) ) DID THE COMPANY PROVIDE THISINFORMATION?
No Edit this section Edit this section What would be a fair resolution to this issue? Coinbase should either disclose the requested information about my outgoing transactions, or Coinbase should be seen liable for the damages that occurred to me and should pay me feasible compensation. See the attached letter of demand to Coinbase for further details.
1 attachment View uploaded documents by clicking on the file name. Documents that pass virusscanning are typically available within 2 minutes of upload.
VASPs hosting the beneficiary wallets. In my opinion, such behavior from www.coinbase.com represents a clear example of the mistreatment of my consumer rights as a consumer.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with monetary relief
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I am a XXXX XXXX, so I am hoping I am in the right place.
The company Coinbase has recently been locking users accounts and freezing their assests ( some seem to be up to 2 months ). This is horrific considering they may have wanted to buy/sell/trade their currencies out for XXXX.
I have been a user on Coinbase for 2 years, however in XXXX they froze my account and I have yet to be able to access it. Timeline below : XX/XX/XXXX - I join coinbase and actively trade currencies Wed, XX/XX/XXXX - account is frozen after trading a currency Wed, XX/XX/XXXX - email them with a support ticket saying my funds are locked for verification Wed, XX/XX/XXXX - go through every possible identity verification, facial, passport, address. Still funds are locked.
Fri, XX/XX/XXXX - send another support ticket, no response Sun, XX/XX/XXXX - email their CPO, no response Sun, XX/XX/XXXX - send another support ticket, no response Mon, XX/XX/XXXX - send another support ticket, no response During these times I have been requesting assistance on their subreddit ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ). Many other people are having the same issues with more money in their account than I do.
I can only assume they are doing this to keep people into their coins as the market is currently booming. However if they keep this up during a crash I expect a large lawsuit will be heading their way.
With regards to identification, they should know who I am through support tickets : XXXX XXXX XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Tags |
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
On XX/XX/2021 I attempted ach deposit from my checking account at XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX To coinbase ( pro ) I have used coinbase almost XXXX years & coinbase pro nearly a year with scores of successful transactions. This is not an error on my part. ( Coinbase & coinbase pro are connected & same company. The pro version is cheaper transaction fees but not as user-friendly & easy for beginners as regular coinbase but transfers between the two are immediate & free of cost so buying, selling & transferring is more reasonable on pro version & /but for holding assets ( semi ) -long-term its easier on coinbase regular to track & research coin ). On coinbase pro if a bank account is linked for ach deposit I believe when one is made their system can verify if sufficient funds are available then ( usually ) within seconds it will say " success, you can trade immediately while we wait for your funds you can withdraw in XXXX days '' & usually in approximately XXXX business days the withdrawal from bank account will show in bank balance. On XX/XX/XXXX my {$400.00} usd deposit showed " PENDING XXXX' on coinbase pro & it never changed. ( After a month or so they added a 2nd {$400.00} deposit transaction for that day to the transaction ledger on coinbase pro stating " successful or complete '' I first got an email stating insufficient funds for the {$400.00} deposit. I tried a {$200.00} deposit minutes later same day. Same thing. But the {$200.00} never left the bank. The {$400.00} DID! I've got pictures & paperwork from my bank. Then I noticed an email saying " your available balance..deposit success blah blah.. ) I followed the email link it took me to reg coinbase transaction history ( linked with pro ) it showed XX/XX/XXXX {$400.00} deposit " complete '' on pro still showed " PENDING '' by then I had already submitted a support/help request # XXXX. Since then I submitted several more & I got email stating consolidation of requests to # XXXX. Ok. I've emailed XXXX times with thousands of words, pleas with concern. Usually auto-bot emails come from coinbase to me. No human response. XX/XX/XXXX I finally get an email that had a little human quality to it but indicated my case had not been examined thoroughly & /or plain ole stole from me & /or don't care. The email was completely in accurate. It said on XX/XX/XXXX I made a couple deposits amounting to {$400.00} which one was insufficient & I was " credited " NO. I WAS NOT. I immediately emailed back ( several times since ) but still no response. None at all now & since then. It's obvious if someone didn't intentionally take my money then that one email sender could not have spent more than XXXX seconds hurriedly scanning the situation because they were WRONG & are completely neglecting their duties & obligations. Every time I have deposited usd to coinbase/ pro I would immediately buy what I was after. There was Nothing bought with that {$400.00} supposedly deposited on XX/XX/XXXX EVER. my usd balance was NEVER " credited " nothing was credited. Not to me. I work. Approx XXXX hours for {$400.00}. I've spent hours now messaging coinbase.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Coinbase has locked me out of my account for approximately one month, which includes approximately {$1400.00} in my wealth. I have been locked out of this account despite filing a CFPB complaint on XX/XX/2021 ( XXXX ).
As I mentioned in that complaint, I no longer have access to the email address on file with Coinbase ( XXXX ). The only reason I had to use that email address for my credentials is due to Coinbase erroneously trading XXXX on my account ( XXXX filed on XX/XX/201 - this error was never actually resolved, and the company blatantly lied/ignored that I did not place a trade that ended up costing me money ) and subsequently locking me out of my account when I attempted to reach customer service ( apparently attempting to contact the company is grounds for freezing accounts, which is awful customer service ).
At this point, I can not access my account, which has implications such as : - My wealth being tied up in cash when it should and would be deployed into appreciating assets otherwise - My inability moving forward to access tax documents pertaining to realized gains/losses on Coinbase crypto trades, which will hamper my ability to accurately file taxes with the IRS At this point, I know the company is terrible - but I am asking that I once and for all get access to my own wealth. When that happens and I can move my funds off the platform, Coinbase won't have to ever hear from me again ( as I will never use this company again ).
If I am not promptly contacted via phone ( XXXX ) or my actual, current email address ( XXXX ), I will continue filing CFPB complaints every month, I will seek legal action via class action lawsuits, and I will do everything in my power to let everyone in my network understand the issues with Coinbase ( and subsequently why they should use competitors, such as XXXX, XXXX, etc. ).
To be abundantly clear, this means that the typical non-sense " help '' email from Coinbase to an email account I can not access is not an acceptable outcome, nor is it even a resolution in any sense of the word.
Coinbase should be ashamed and embarrassed by the customer service deficiencies that have become glaringly obvious over the past years.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Tags |
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Virtual currency
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I requested to buy bitcoin with coinbase. They got my information verified then requested bank transfer, I granted permission for transfer of {$2500.00}. As soon as the money was transferred ( about 3 days ), coinbase locked my account, claiming birthdate I provided indicated that I was XXXX years old. I have contacted customer support several times with the same results, lame excuses and empty promises. Customer support tells me that someone will e mail me to help resolve my problem. Its now been almost 3 months with no resulotion.They tell me dont keep contacting them or it will take longer so I havent contacted them in over a month but I dont think this approach is working either.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
{$9000.00} wire transfer sent on XX/XX/ and confirmed on XX/XX/ has never been credited to my account. This has been going on 13 days with no contact from Coinbase support. I was able to contact the bank and they initially told me no funds were received under my name. After providing further documentation they were able to find the funds under the Name of XXXX XXXX ( my bank ). I was told that the funds will not be able to be credited to my Coinbase account and that they will EVENTUALLY be returned to me. I am required to send an email to their compliance department. The email was sent immediately on XX/XX/ and was later returned undeliverable due to the address not being able to receive email. I have yet to receive my funds returned to my account. {$9000.00} tied up for 13 business with no end in sight. Please help.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Money was not available when promised
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Tags |
Issue |
Money was not available when promised
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I wire transferred {$40000.00} to Coinbase , Inc. ( associated XXXX account ) on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX from my XXXX account. Those funds have neither been credited to my Coinbase/XXXX account, nor returned to the originating XXXX account.
I previously successfully wire transferred funds to my XXXX account, so I assumed a wire transfer would again process smoothly. However, that initial wire was transferred from a different originating bank and account. I subsequently learned that Coinbase/ XXXX requires the name on the originating account to exactly match the Coinbase/ XXXX account holders name. The XXXX account from which this current wire was transferred was a joint account, thus not exactly matching the Coinbase/ XXXX account. Additionally, a code is required by Coinbase on the wire recipient instructions. XXXX XXXX Bank in New York serves as the intermediary bank for Coinbase.
Realizing the potential discrepancy in the wire information, I contacted XXXX within 24 hours of the wire disbursement to request a reversal. That request was immediately submitted by XXXX to XXXX XXXX Bank on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. XXXX was informed that the reversal would require a review and authorization, possibly taking greater than 10 business days. I contacted XXXX XXXX Bank on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, and they confirmed that the funds were received by them and sent to Coinbase on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. XXXX XXXX Bank stated that they could only reverse the wired funds if Coinbase returned the funds to them, and that I would have to pursue that through Coinbase.
I followed all XXXX and Coinbase instructions on how to properly inquire about the problem through their customer support system, which includes submitting a service request on their website. I only subsequently received generic automated responses. Their initial email response stated that I would be updated in a few days, but I never received an update. I also attempted to call them on 2 occasions, but both times I was placed on hold for over 45 minutes, with no response, and they do not even accept any phone calls regarding funds transfer problems, only potential account compromises/ hacking.
Included as attachments are the XXXX Bank Wire Confirmation document and email correspondences with XXXX/ Coinbase.
My primary concern : If an incoming wire is not formatted to Coinbase/ XXXX specifications, then why does XXXX XXXX Bank accept and process it? The wire should be rejected/ returned if it does not include all of the required information. If the funds are then received by Coinbase/ XXXX, then it seems mandatory that they have established systems to remedy any discrepancies in a timely fashion, with a human customer support representative. It has been 12 business days and 3 weeks since Coinbase received the funds, and I have not received any substantive assistance.
An acceptable resolution for this matter would be either immediate full funding ( {$40000.00} ) of my XXXX account or immediate wire transfer reversal of the full amount to the originating XXXX account.
I respectfully ask that you please assist with this matter, and I appreciate the service that you provide to consumers.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Mobile or digital wallet
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I had previously transferred about XXXX dollars of ethereum to my coinbase account and logged in today to find that they have transferred half of it to themselves as it now says " sent to coinbase ''. I had no say in the matter and simply want my money back. Nothing more.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Fraud or scam
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Issue |
Fraud or scam
Timely |
Company |
Coinbase, Inc.
Product |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service
Sub Product |
Domestic (US) money transfer
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
XX/XX/2021 at XXXX EST I attempted to make a purchase for {$50.00} usd of the crypto ETH. It has not shown up in my account and I have not received my money back. I have reached out to coinbase thru XXXX, XXXX, email, and phone but no one is giving me any answers. All I get is " we are aware of the problem and working to fix the issue ''. I sent transaction numbers, receipts and all the proof needed to show I made the purchase. I even had one coinbase operator ask me to fill out yet another form then block me. I have tried for 4 days to get my money back. They've already costed me so much in profits. This company needs to be shut down! There's no customer service or fruad department at all
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided