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Company Details

Legal type: Foreign Corporation
Status: Active
Standing: Good
Profit or Non-Profit: Profit
File Date: 25 Jul 2017 (8 years ago)
Authority Date: 25 Jul 2017 (8 years ago)
Last Annual Report: 12 Aug 2024 (7 months ago)
Organization Number: 0991860
Industry: Miscellaneous Services
Number of Employees: Small (0-19)
Principal Office: 14400 SWEITZER LANE, SUITE 235, LAUREL, MD 20707
Place of Formation: MARYLAND


Name Role
Justin Evans President


Name Role
Justin Evans Secretary


Name Role
Adel Musa Treasurer


Name Role
Adel Musa Director
Justin Evans Director

Registered Agent

Name Role


Name File Date
Annual Report 2024-08-12
Principal Office Address Change 2024-01-19
Annual Report 2023-05-04
Annual Report 2022-04-26
Annual Report 2021-05-29
Annual Report 2020-03-20
Annual Report 2019-04-12
Annual Report 2018-06-26
Application for Certificate of Authority(Corp) 2017-07-25

CFPB Complaint

Complaint Id Date Received Issue Product
7573348 2023-09-19 False statements or representation Debt collection
Issue False statements or representation
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product Rental debt
Date Received 2023-09-19
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2023-09-19
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2224510 2016-11-28 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2016-11-28
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-12-11
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
459677 2013-07-17 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Tags Older American
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2013-07-17
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2013-07-23
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
590959 2013-11-10 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2013-11-10
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2013-11-13
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2657971 2017-09-04 False statements or representation Debt collection
Tags Servicemember
Issue False statements or representation
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2017-09-04
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-09-05
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Complaint What Happened Fair Collection and Outsourcing, Inc did not investigate and verify with the original creditor the amount that was owed. They send me a bill instead and forced me to pay it. This alleged debt was from an apartment complex. Up to this day, this company refuses to verify the correct amount owed to the original creditor. I since then made contact with the original creditor and they can locate any balance owed. This company needs to be investigated about its practices. They are violating FCRA.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3353963 2019-08-26 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2019-08-26
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-08-26
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Complaint What Happened I contacted the company they refused to validate the debt, or remove the item.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
5060675 2022-01-03 Incorrect information on your report Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Incorrect information on your report
Timely Yes
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Information belongs to someone else
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2022-01-03
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-01-03
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
4719132 2021-09-14 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was result of identity theft
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2021-09-14
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2021-09-14
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Complaint What Happened Fair Collections and outsourcing agency have sent letter to me attempting to collect a debt that is not owned by me. I have notified them and let them know they are a third party attempting to collect a fraudulent debt. I have sent them a copy of FTC report. I am by no means going to tolerate them bullying me into taking responsibility of debt that is not owed by me. I have told them to seise all communication and attempts to collect debt not owned or I will take legal action against them. This collection agency is in complete violation of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
9289889 2024-06-18 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Sub Product Rental debt
Date Received 2024-06-18
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-06-20
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Complaint What Happened CFPB Complaint Against Fair Collection & Out Your Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, KY XXXX Email Address : XXXX Date : XX/XX/2024 Debt Collector : Fair Collection & Out Debt Collector Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX MD XXXX Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX I am filing this complaint against Fair Collection & Out ( herein after " FCO '' ) for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) and its implementing regulations. Specifically, FCO has engaged in the following unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices : Violations : 12 C.F.R. 1006.34 ( b ) ( 5 ) : FCO has violated the restriction on contacting you at inconvenient times or places. ( Provide specific details of the inconvenient times or places you were contacted, e.g., early mornings, late nights, at your workplace when contacting employees is prohibited ). 12 C.F.R. 1006.35 ( c ) ( 4 ) ( i ) : FCO has contacted you by phone more than seven ( 7 ) times in one week or within seven ( 7 ) days following a conversation about the debt. ( Provide details of the excessive call frequency ). 12 C.F.R. 1006.34 ( d ) : FCO has used harassing, oppressive, or abusive language during its communication attempts ( Provide specific examples of harassing or abusive language used by FCO ). 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( 7 ) ( A ) : FCO has made false or misleading representations about the character, amount, or legal status of the debt. ( Provide details of the alleged misrepresentation, e.g., inaccurate amount of debt claimed, threats of wage garnishment without legal basis ). Request for Relief : I request that the CFPB investigate these violations and take appropriate action against FCO. This may include : Ordering FCO to cease all communication regarding the debt. Verifying the debt and providing written validation of the amount. Correcting any inaccurate information reported to credit bureaus. Awarding damages for emotional distress and any other losses caused by FCO 's violations. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt investigation and resolution. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
8647790 2024-03-28 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Rental debt
Date Received 2024-03-28
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-03-28
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided

Sources: Kentucky Secretary of State